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25th Internationa Conference Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability. Abstracts

The conference is held on March 23 – 24, 2023. It crosses traditional discipline boundaries and involves a wide variety of interactions ranging from traditional academic disciplines or schools of thought to the reality of business. Many of the issues discussed provide innovative ideas and combine the best academic thinking with the industry expertise development in financial services, public sector/government, information and communications technologies.
Počet stran 64 stran
Datum vydání 08. 03. 2023
Pořadí vydání 1.
Jazyk anglický
Typ souboru PDF
Vazba E-kniha
Editor: Petr David
Editor: Hana Vránová
Nakladatelství Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Tématická skupina 1 - Ekonomika
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