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PEFnet 2017 Proceedings

It has been a tradition that the PEFnet doctoral scientific conference is held annually at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno. The conference provides an opportunity for PhD students from around the world to present their research and interact with other PhD students and senior researchers. For some of them it is the first time their research ideas have been presented in front of a scientific community. We believe that this experience in the early stages of their scientific career helps to prepare them for future research work and contributes to their further scientific development. Another important aspect of participation in the conference is networking with other young and senior researchers dealing with similar research problems from the areas of economics and the information sciences. The 21st PEFnet took place on the 30 November 2017 on the campus of Mendel University in Brno. The conference reacted to several topics concerning accounting and taxes, business economics, computer science and information systems, economics and finance, management , marketing and trade, and quantitative methods in economics. We were pleased to welcome more than 100 PhD students from all over the world representing universities from countries including Albania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey. In the presented Proceedings you will find 28 papers that were recommended by conference discussants and selected on the basis of a peer-review process. We believe that the presented research outputs contribute to and extend the current state of knowledge and will stimulate further debate, not only in academia but also in other institutions in the public and private sectors. We would like to thank all the participants in the conference for their inspiring contributions. Furthermore, we are grateful to all the reviewers and the members of the scientific committee for their contribution to the organisation of this scientific conference.
Počet stran 232 stran
Datum vydání 08. 06. 2018
Pořadí vydání 1.
Jazyk anglický
Typ souboru PDF
Vazba E-kniha
Editor: Jana Stávková
Nakladatelství Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Tématická skupina 1 - Ekonomika
Neprodejná publikace. Publikaci je možné poptávat zde: http://pefnet.mendelu.cz/wcd/w-rek-pefnet/pefnet17_fin.pdf
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