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Chemical Modification of Polysaccharides for Biomedical Applications

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, doc. Assoc. Prof. Marian Lehocký, Ph.D. for providing invaluable feedback, imparting knowledge and sharing his expertise with me. I would also like to extend my thanks to my consultant MSc. Kadir Ozaltin, Ph.D. for his guidance and encouragement throughout my work. I am grateful to my colleagues and friends at the Centre of Polymer Systems for their assistance, advice, and companionship during my studies. My special thanks are devoted to Monika Muchová for being my soulmate, emotional support and well of patience during the challenging times. I would like to thank Alžběta Důbravová for endless positivity and enthusiasm and Ilkay Karakurt for being a constant source of inspiration throughout my research journey. Last but not least, I cannot forget to acknowledge my wonderful parents for their unwavering motivation, their constant encouragement, invaluable support and never losing a hope in me.
Počet stran 66 stran
Datum vydání 15. 03. 2024
Pořadí vydání První
Jazyk anglický
Vazba E-kniha
Autor: Kateřina Štěpánková
Nakladatelství Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Tématická skupina 3 - Přírodní vědy, matematika
Neprodejná publikace. Publikaci je možné poptávat zde: Volně dostupné na http://hdl.handle.net/10563/54632
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