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A Framework For Studying Consumer Intention Towards Green Consumerism In IndiaDoctoral Thesis Summary

Over the last years, research about sustainability has been interesting due to growing importance of green orientation in the consumer purchasing process around the world. People are changing their trends and way of lifestyle in a more conscious way paying more attention towards green oriented behavior worldwide compared to in the past. Understanding consumer expectations and new purchasing trends related to green purchasing behavioral trends within the Indian consumers by means of identifying by Theory of Planned Behavior (TBP) constructs. The present research attempts to understand the consumers’ intention towards buying green consumerism in a developing nation, India. The study uses Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as its theoretical framework and further attempted to extend the TPB model by incorporating additional constructs such as (social value, environmental knowledge, environmental concern and value for money) in it. Data was collected using survey based method using structured questionnaire among 339 consumers and was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for testing the hypothesized model. The finding reported the utility of using TPB framework with additional constructs in predicting the consumers’ intention that will lead to purchase intention. The framework not only studies the independent relationship but also the relationship between all the constructs that might lead to change of consumers’ perception towards green purchase behavior. The author tested three models to testify the direct effects of the constructs with the purchase intention, then studied the mediating effects and lastly the relationship with all the constructs in the hypothesized model. The results of each constructed model have shown interesting outcomes. At the end, the implications for businesses and marketers and the policy makers has been discussed with further scope of research in this field.
Počet stran 45 stran
Datum vydání 29. 12. 2017
Pořadí vydání První
Jazyk anglický
Vazba e-kniha - pdf
Autor: Anusua Saha
Nakladatelství Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Tématická skupina 1 - Ekonomika
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