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Applied Rheology for Production of Polymeric Nanofibers

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all people who supported me during the study and work on this thesis. I am especially grateful to my supervisor, prof. Ing. Martin Zatloukal, Ph.D., DSc. for his patience, valuable advices, support throughout the process of measuring and analyzing data and writing the thesis. Many thanks go to Joachim Fiebig for his support during measurements on the melt blown pilot plant line during my research stay in BOREALIS Company, Linz, Austria. My acknowledgement also belongs to Mike T. Martyn from University in Bradford, United Kingdom, for his advices during my experiment on Fanuc Roboshot S-2000i 100A. I would like to express my thanks to my colleague Tomas Barborik for his assistance, whenever I applied for it. I also wish to acknowledge Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Grant registration No. 16-05886S) for the financial support. I would like to extend my gratitude to my family and all my real friends for their support and patience during my study.
Počet stran 84 stran
Datum vydání 20. 12. 2018
Pořadí vydání První
Jazyk anglický
Vazba e-kniha - pdf
Autor: Jiří Drábek
Nakladatelství Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Tématická skupina 5 - Technické vědy
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