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Some Aspects of Knowledge

The philosophical account of epistemological and ontological issues in creating, recording, sharing and using principal scientific and engineering concepts. The notion and structure of the knowledge are disused, a variety of misinforming trends identified, examples of ambiguous concepts presented, and the improved definitions are developed. The author criticised the existing and proposed the new definitions for the concepts such as definition, philosophy, ontology, and expanded on the importance of philosophical hypotheses for advances in sciences.
Doporučená cena:399 Kč
Počet stran 82 stran
Datum vydání 01. 07. 2020
Pořadí vydání 1.
Jazyk anglický
Typ souboru PDF
Vazba E-kniha
Autor: Sead Spuzic
Nakladatelství Carpe diem
Tématická skupina 2 - Společenské vědy; osvěta
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