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Minimal: How to simplify your life and live sustainably

Love yourself. Love the planet. We are facing an urgent climate crisis and we must all take action now. However, it can be difficult to know where to start when bombarded with overwhelming facts and statistics every day. We all want to make a difference, but what can we do? Minimal makes simple and sustainable living attainable for everyone, using practical tips for all areas of everyday life to reduce your impact on the earth. Leading environmentalist Madeleine Olivia shares her insights on how to care for yourself in a more eco-friendly way, as well as how to introduce a mindful approach to your habits. This includes how to declutter your life, reduce your waste and consumption, recipes for eating seasonally and making your own natural beauty and cleaning products. Learn how to minimise the areas that aren’t giving you anything back and discover a happier and more fulfilled life, while looking after the Earth we share.
Doporučená cena:359 Kč
Počet stran 312 stran
Datum vydání 2020
Pořadí vydání neurčeno
Rozměr 140x205 mm
Vazba kniha, vázaná vazba
Jazyk anglický
Autor: Madeleine Olivia
Nakladatelství Penguin Books
Tématická skupina 999 - nezařazeno
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