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1000 New Eco Designs and Where to Find Them

1000 New Eco Designs přehled současného produktového designu a objektů, které zdůraňují ekologii. Informační a vizuální inspirace, průvodce, který vás provede složitým tématem tvorby a výběru eko-designu.
1000 New Eco Designs is a showcase of contemporary product design and interior products that are ecologically sound. Informative and visually inspirational, the book acts as a handbook, guiding readers through the complex issues involved in creating and choosing eco-friendly designs for the home.
As we become only too aware of the damage man has caused to the planet, more of us want to furnish and decorate our homes with products that do not harm the environment. But being sensitive to the environment does not mean you have to sacrifice good design. More and more designers are creating products that are both beautiful and ethical.
A series of icons show each product’s 'green' credentials; highlighting the use of recycled, sustainable and locally-sourced materials as well as non-toxic, low-energy and low-waste manufacturing processes, so that readers can see at a glance the individual characteristics of each design.
The book also provides full information on where to source and buy the products featured.
Počet stran 352 stran
Datum vydání 14. 7. 2009
Vazba kniha, brožovaná vazba
Jazyk anglický
Autor: Rebecca Proctor
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